Hundreds of easy-to-read articles summarizing the latest evidence-based information and findings in addiction treatment and recovery research.

Apr 13, 2020

Does employment status predict addiction treatment outcome? Yes and no

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Apr 13, 2020

Can cannabis really do all that? Weighing the literature on cannabis-based compounds for mental health disorders

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Apr 13, 2020

Heroin use disorder: A chronic and relapsing condition for most, but a self-limiting condition for a few

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Mar 25, 2020

Does adding online coaching improve outcomes of a digital intervention for problematic drinking?

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Feb 29, 2020

What do inmates think about their prison-based opioid use disorder medication programs? Some perceived benefits and areas for improvement

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Feb 28, 2020

Buprenorphine prescribing by nurse practitioners and physicians’ assistants: Patterns and barriers

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Feb 28, 2020

Lessons learned from implementing integrated mental health and substance use services in frontline addiction treatment facilities

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Feb 28, 2020

What happens to patients’ motivation if they are mandated to treatment? Study finds treatment and motivation for change are high and stable regardless of whether patients were in treatment on a voluntary or involuntary basis

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Feb 6, 2020

Long-term change among people who inject drugs

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