Hundreds of easy-to-read articles summarizing the latest evidence-based information and findings in addiction treatment and recovery research.

Oct 26, 2020

Using emergency department visits to actively link patients with alcohol use disorder to specialty addiction treatment

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Jan 31, 2022

Evidence from analytic models that account for the propensity to attend 12-step mutual-help groups confirms past study findings showing benefit

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Jan 31, 2022

Does it work if you work out? Exercise-based interventions promote exercise but not drinking changes among individuals with alcohol use disorder

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Jan 31, 2022

Managing craving in the mind’s eye: How can positive and negative imagery influence cocaine craving?

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Apr 20, 2022

Having someone call 911 after an overdose increases likelihood of treatment engagement

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Apr 20, 2022

Treatment plus…? What additional components sustain treatment effects among youth?

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Addiction Recovery Choices - Two Women
Mar 6, 2017

Detox & Medication: Do the Odds of Completing & Staying in Treatment Get Better or Worse With Repeated Attempts?

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methadone vs buprenorphine, addiction treatment, recovery, medication
Dec 6, 2018

Tried-and-true methadone shows superiority over buprenorphine

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Jul 19, 2019

How many tries does it take to resolve a substance use problem? Lessons from a national study of recovering adults in the U.S.

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