Hundreds of easy-to-read articles summarizing the latest evidence-based information and findings in addiction treatment and recovery research.

Mar 23, 2022

Can cannabis substitute for alcohol in people receiving treatment to reduce their drinking?

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Mar 23, 2022

For people in treatment, who engages with recovery residences, and does it boost retention?

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Mar 24, 2022

Did alcohol use among adults increase during COVID-19?

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Apr 20, 2022

Internet-based interventions can help individuals manage heavy drinking, but do they save employers and society money?

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This article explores the characteristics of self-inflicted and unintentional drug overdose deaths drug overdose deaths.
May 10, 2018

Characterizing Intentional & Accidental Drug Overdose Deaths

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Feb 4, 2019

Having Insurance Increases Treatment-Seeking in People Who Inject Drugs: results from a 12 year study

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neuroscience, addiction recovery, synaptic, synapses, brain science, drug use
Dec 6, 2018

Meditation helps heal the brain during opioid addiction treatment

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Galanter 2017 Medications and 12-step peer support self-help groups
May 10, 2018

Bridging the Divide: How Medicine & Twelve-Step Can Work Together to Support Recovery

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Jun 14, 2018

Timely Linkage to Treatment from Detox Saves Lives

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