Hundreds of easy-to-read articles summarizing the latest evidence-based information and findings in addiction treatment and recovery research.

John Kelly AND Harvard Health AND addiction AND policy
Dec 6, 2018

Treatments in research studies outperform the real-world results

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methadone vs buprenorphine, addiction treatment, recovery, medication
Dec 6, 2018

Tried-and-true methadone shows superiority over buprenorphine

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neuroscience, addiction recovery, synaptic, synapses, brain science, drug use
Dec 6, 2018

Meditation helps heal the brain during opioid addiction treatment

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media portrayal of substance use, young adults, youth in media, addiction, recovery
Dec 6, 2018

It looks cool on TV – media portrayals of substance use

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ptsd individuals after heroin use disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, addiction
Dec 6, 2018

Looking at the impact of PTSD on individuals with heroin use disorder 11 years after treatment

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Addiction medicaid medicare health services addiction opioid alcohol drugs
Dec 6, 2018

Expanding Medicaid expands substance use help for the underserved

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Peers in addiction treatment and recovery offering support
Dec 6, 2018

Can recovering peers help others with opioid use disorder get treatment?

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research shows women stop drug use before giving birth, then start back up again after the baby's birth
Oct 2, 2018

Stopping and Starting: Substance Use During and After Pregnancy

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Research on addiction medications for inmates and prisoners
Oct 2, 2018

Starting medication for opioid use disorder prior to prison release substantially reduces overdose deaths

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