Hundreds of easy-to-read articles summarizing the latest evidence-based information and findings in addiction treatment and recovery research.

The efficacy of computerized interventions to reduce cannabis use
May 10, 2018

Hooking Into the Internet to Combat Cannabis’ Hook

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compromise to these neural/behavioral systems can be improved with cognitive retraining
May 10, 2018

Retraining the Brain After Chronic Opioid Exposure

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Finding detox centers that have broad referral networks (outside of their immediate system of care) may result in lower detox readmissions
May 10, 2018

A Net to Catch You Post-detox

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Examining if Vivitrol works equally well for different types of individuals with opioid use disorder
May 10, 2018

Does Vivitrol Work Equally Well for Different Types of Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder?

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Social network, Reddit, opioid use disorder
Feb 22, 2018

Could Online Reddit Discussion Groups for Individuals with Opioid Problems be Therapeutic?

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Injection Naltrexone, Vivitrol, Opioid Use Disorder, Relapse, Inpatient
Feb 22, 2018

A Shot To Stop From Shooting Up

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Landmark study and Data on how many americans are in recovery from alcohol and drugs
Feb 22, 2018

Former Problem Marijuana Users Start Young, But Quit Young Too

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Vivitrol, opioid, healthcare , drugs, addiction, substance use disorder research
Feb 20, 2018

Does Injectable Vivitrol Increase or Decrease Medical Healthcare Utilization Among Opioid Dependent Patients?

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opioid, brain, brain in recovery, neuroscience of addiction, methadone
Feb 20, 2018

Impulsivity, Compulsivity & The Brain During Opioid Addiction, Methadone Treatment & Abstinence

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