Narcotics Anonymous Research Review Pamphlet

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New resource available! William White, Dr. Marc Galanter, Dr. Keith Humphreys, and Dr. John Kelly have authored a report examining Narcotics Anonymous and what the scientific research reveals about the efficacy and accessibility of NA for individuals seeking addiction recovery support.

They evaluated over 200 studies and articles in this 56-page report. They have also put together a pamphlet summarizing the review for those seeking recovery support services. To review or download the pamphlet, please follow the link below:

We Do Recover: Scientific Studies on Narcotics Anonymous


The authors would like to thank RRI Health Communications Coordinator Chris Rattan for helping prepare the pamphlet for distribution.

Stay on the Frontiers of
recovery science
with the free, monthly
Recovery Bulletin


New resource available! William White, Dr. Marc Galanter, Dr. Keith Humphreys, and Dr. John Kelly have authored a report examining Narcotics Anonymous and what the scientific research reveals about the efficacy and accessibility of NA for individuals seeking addiction recovery support.

They evaluated over 200 studies and articles in this 56-page report. They have also put together a pamphlet summarizing the review for those seeking recovery support services. To review or download the pamphlet, please follow the link below:

We Do Recover: Scientific Studies on Narcotics Anonymous


The authors would like to thank RRI Health Communications Coordinator Chris Rattan for helping prepare the pamphlet for distribution.

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New resource available! William White, Dr. Marc Galanter, Dr. Keith Humphreys, and Dr. John Kelly have authored a report examining Narcotics Anonymous and what the scientific research reveals about the efficacy and accessibility of NA for individuals seeking addiction recovery support.

They evaluated over 200 studies and articles in this 56-page report. They have also put together a pamphlet summarizing the review for those seeking recovery support services. To review or download the pamphlet, please follow the link below:

We Do Recover: Scientific Studies on Narcotics Anonymous


The authors would like to thank RRI Health Communications Coordinator Chris Rattan for helping prepare the pamphlet for distribution.

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