February 3, 2017 |
Organization Highlight: Women For Sobriety (WFS)
WFS was created by Dr. Jean Kirkpatrick in 1975. She felt that women had different needs in recovery and developed the 13 Statements of Acceptance for a “New Life”, a program that is a self-help, abstinence based program for women with alcohol or drug addictions.
The WFS program requires that the group moderators or chat leaders are certified and have one year of sobriety. This requirement assures that the moderator/chat leader is prepared and able to support and encourage group members by her strong commitment to maintain her own sobriety/recovery using the WFS Statements/Program. WFS promotes behavioral changes by positive reinforcement (acceptance and encouragement), positive thinking, group support. There is no rehashing of the past which would enable more guilt and shame to emerge. WFS members provide a safe environment to share, to nurture feelings of self-value and self-worth, to develop coping skills which focus on emotional and spiritual growth, self-esteem and a healthy lifestyle in a non-judgmental atmosphere.
The focus is to take charge of one’s life and disease, changing one’s negative thinking to positive thinking/attitude with people/situations rather than being reactive, learning coping tools in overcoming stress, loneliness, frustration or emotional deprivation in daily life.
Gaining knowledge of self through the principles and philosophy of WFS – “release the past, plan for tomorrow and live for today” is the foundation of emotional and spiritual growth necessary to have a “New Life.” The group support and ability to attend face-to-face meetings and online meetings is an extremely important component in maintaining recovery, with an online forum available 24/7.
Recovery is so much more than not drinking or using drugs. It is about the inside change (emotional and spiritual) that takes place when putting the WFS 13 Statements into practice. - Dee Waddington, President of the WFS Board of Directors
Moving forward, WFS hopes to continue to encourage women in developing personal growth and continued abstinence through the “New Life” program.
Recovery is life-changing in its reward of freedom, being available, having clarity, willingness to change for a better understanding of yourself (behavior and actions), empowering, enjoyment of life, learning and accepting we may make mistakes but they are life lessons not negative judgments to shut us down and that we can learn from those mistakes; that we not only survive, we become healthier, happier, problem-solving women – capable, competent, caring and compassionate! - Dee Waddington
Learn more about Women for Sobriety on their website.